Academic Decathlon
Course ID: 045
This academic team offers students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new topic each year, ranging from national (e.g. Civil War and Great Depression) to international (e.g. French Revolution and Renaissance) topics. In addition to weekly meetings, members also attend various workshops and scrimmages. Students compete in February against other local high schools across a variety of areas (Economics, Arts, Music, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science and Social Science) all related to the annual theme. Competition includes subject tests, speeches, essay and Super Quiz. The “Aca Deca” team must consist of an equal number of members from various grade point average ranges, so all students are encouraged participate, regardless of grade point averages. Students may additionally earn 3 units of elective credit at CSUS through the Accelerated College Entrance (ACE) program
NOTE: This class meets two days a week after school.
Prerequisite: None
Level: 9-12
Credit: 2 total (one per semester)
See also Academic Teams