Biotechnology (P)
Course ID: 745
Biotechnology is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in medicine, forensics, agriculture, and many other fields. Biotechnology has been called “The Science of the New Millennium”. This is a rigorous course which begins with a comprehensive overview of the key concepts in molecular biology. Topics to be covered include nucleic acid structure and function, DNA replication, transcription, translation, chromosome structure, and regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The course focuses on the use of this knowledge in biotechnological methods, such as, recombinant DNA technology, restriction enzyme digest, creating genetically modified organisms, gene transfer, gene therapy, PCR and DNA fingerprinting, microarray technology, ELISA testing, and more. The class will also discuss bioethics and how controversial issues are addressed using a Catholic worldview. State-of-the-art equipment and materials are available for students as they learn and apply the basic molecular biology methods used in the field of biotechnology. UC A-G approved – d Laboratory Science. NCAA approved.
Prerequisite: B or better in Biology ; C or better in Chemistry
Level: 11, 12, (10th with Science Department approval)
Credit: 10