English 12: Literature & Film (P)
Course ID: 351
Throughout this year-long course, students will analyze an assortment of written works and view a selection of films adapted from those works in order to gain a stronger understanding of the possibilities and problems involved in the process of adaptation. Rather than merely distinguishing the differences between literature and film, students will attempt to find stylistic and thematic intersections between the two media by exploring the transposition of literary elements to film and by considering the ways in which films are original works that can be “read.” Through this comparative study, students will gain an appreciation of literary expression in both written and visual forms while further developing skills in writing, verbal communication, and critical thinking. Typical classroom activities will include film viewings, short writing exercises, group projects, and seminar-based literature discussions. UC A-G approved – b English. NCAA approved.
Prerequisite: English 11: Am Lit or Honors Am Lit
Level: 12
Credit: 10