Latin 4 (P): Virgil
Course ID: 444
The Latin IV program is designed to promote the student’s proficiency in advanced translation skills and her mastery of more complex Latin syntax. The student learns poetry styles, history, and mythology through the concentrated reading and translation of Virgil’s Aeneid Book 1 thru VI and the reading in English of Books VV thru XII. The student discusses the Aeneid’s literary style and the use of epic influence in the dactylic hexameter poem.Through the study of the Aeneid, the student delves into the story of the Trojan people, examines their defeat at the hands of the Greeks, and understands the historical implications of their voyage to Italy and their founding of Rome. UC A-G approved – e Language Other than English. NCAA approved.
Prerequisite: B in Latin 3 (P): Cicero
Level: 11-12
Credit: 10