Safety Committee
The Faculty/Staff Safety Committee assists the school administration with planning and implementing physical safety programs for students and staff. This includes raising awareness of physical safety on campus; designing evacuation, shelter-in-place, and lock-down procedures; and implementing training programs for staff and students and CPR training for faculty and staff. The Committee cooperates with the Sacramento community first responder agencies. Most committee members have received training from FEMA.
The Guidance Department and Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs focus on safety programs in internet use, drug and alcohol abuse, and distracted driving.
To whom they report:
The Safety Team reports to the principal who is also a member.
Selection Process:
Members are selected because of the safety concerns that arise in
their particular responsibilities, such as Dean of Students,
Maintenance, Finance, etc. Community members include fire,
police and emergency management.
Contact the Dean of Students if you have questions or concerns.