Senior Class Page
Bookmark this page to view to most current updates for Seniors and their families. We will post all communications via email as well as news posts that pertain to Senior Families on this page.
Q3 Christian Service Hours Due
A Message from Mr. Bondoc
As we approach the final deadline for Christian Service hours, I want to take a moment to thank you for the ways you encourage your child to engage in service. We know that these experiences not only fulfill a requirement but also shape their hearts, broaden their perspectives, and deepen their sense of compassion for others.
Kairos sign ups are up!
We highly encourage you to attend one of the first Kairos’. Gives you a chance to bond with your class after a long time of distance. (It will raise your likelihood to lead if you are interested in that as well.) To sign up please have your parents register you at
Dates available are:
K83: September- 14-17 2021
K84: November 16-19 2021
K85 Full
Senior Sunrise
Senior sunrise is Friday, August 13th from 6:00 am – 7:00 am. Seniors are invited to bring a blanket and watch the sunrise on the SFHS soccer field with their classmates. This is the first Friday Seniors are also allowed to wear their college shirt/sweatshirt.
Graduation 2020 Photos
View All Photos Here. You may download any images you wish from the album. No purchase or sign-in required.
Celebrating Our Seniors!
Class of 2020 Pearls
See each Senior Pearl Spotlight to learn about our 2020 Pearl Graduates!
Awards Ceremony 2020
We’re excited to share the Senior Awards e-Ceremony with you! Let’s Celebrate the hard work and successes of the Class of 2020!
Virtual Dance Showcase
Haven’t had a chance to watch the Virtual Dance Showcase yet?
For those of you that don’t know about our annual Spring Dance Showcase, it’s a culmination of student choreographed works (usually performed live). Juniors & Seniors work with underclassmen in their respective companies to create original work and this year was no different! The amount of creativity and collaboration that the students had this year was exciting! The video now includes ALL student works. (I had many technical issues!)
Please enjoy!
Senior Sunset 2020
Photos By Steve Shaff & Phil Roina
Watch: Drone Video by Phil Roina available on facebook here
Pearl Parade Album
View the entire photo album here.
Thank you to all of our photographers that helped capture the special day: Phil Roina, Greg Lane, Julia Cannon ’17, Steve Shaff, and Raquel Namba!