Post Easter Break COVID Testing


Students and faculty/staff will be receiving a rapid antigen test next week ahead of the upcoming Easter Break. Per CDPH K-12 Guidance, all students, faculty, and staff will have to complete a rapid antigen test before they return to school on Monday, April 25th. 

Each student received a rapid antigen at-home test kit during their Homeroom this week. Additional information will be shared with them directly. Based on CDPH guidance, students should test on Friday and Sunday, before they return to school on Monday, April 25th. Any student that tests positive should notify Dean Cost directly at We are only tracking positive test results, so please do not email negative test results.  

Any student that does not pick up their free test kit is still responsible to test either with another at home test kit or through their medical provider. The cost of those kits or tests through medical providers will not be covered by SFHS. 

We also strongly encourage any student who does not feel well or has COVID-like symptoms to remain home until symptoms have resolved for at least 24-hours.