Testing & Test Preparation
SFHS School Code/CEEB/SAT/ACT Code: 052698
AP Exams Update (Spring 2025)
2025 AP exams will be offered May 5–9 & May 12-16 for in-person, paper-based exams.
AP Exams
All students enrolled in AP classes are required to take the AP exam. St. Francis registers students for their appropriate AP exams and students who complete the AP test are excused from final exams in relevant courses.
AP Scores Available Online in July
Students need a College Board account to view their scores. To
sign up for a new account or to log into an existing account,
visit: apscore.org. In
July, students will be required to provide the following to
access their scores: College Board account username and password,
and AP number (or Student ID if they provided it on their AP
answer sheet). Students may check apscore.org after exams for the
exact date their scores will be available.
Additional AP Exam Information
See links for College Board.
AP Exam Fees are set by The College Board. St. Francis registers students for the appropriate exams and fees are collected by the Finance Department.
Learn More at the College Board Website
Testing Requirements for College Admissions
The University of California campuses as well as the California
State University campuses are Test Free; this means that ACT/SAT
scores will NOT be used in the admissions process. There are
over 50 additional colleges and universities that are Test Free
as well as over 1,800 that are Test Optional. There are some
colleges, however, that still require students to submit ACT/SAT
test scores. Students should check the websites of all of
the colleges and universities to which they will apply to
determine if they need to take the ACT or SAT.
PSAT – Juniors (Fall 2024)
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). A standardized test that provides practice for the SAT®, it also gives SFHS juniors a chance to enter NMSQT scholarship programs or qualify for the National Recognition Programs (National African American Recognition Program, National Hispanic Recognition Program, and National Indigenous Recognition Program).
The PSAT/NMSQT is aligned with the SAT. The PSAT/NMSQT measures the skills and knowledge that are essential for college readiness and success.
All Juniors will be required to take the digital PSAT/NMSQT test on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024.
The SAT is offered seven times each year in the U.S. It is offered in August, October, November, December, March, May, and June.
To register for the SAT, please visit www.collegeboard.org
A School Day SAT will be offered to the Class of 2025 on Friday, October 11, 2024.
The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in English, Mathematics, Reading and Science. The ACT is administered on seven test dates within the United States, — September, October, December, February, April, June and July.
To register for the ACT, go to www.ACT.org and follow the instructions.
A School Day ACT will be offered to the Class of 2025 on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Test Preparation
St. Francis partners with Revolution Prep to offer virtual test prep opportunities for our students. Additionally, students can participate in virtual practice tests for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT.
Information on College Board’s National Recognition Programs
“The College Board National Recognition Programs award academic honors to underrepresented students. The four national recognition programs include the National African American Recognition Program, National Hispanic Recognition Program, National Indigenous Recognition Program, and National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program.
Students who take eligible administrations of the PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or AP Exams will be considered for awards. Students must also identify as Black, African American, Latino, Hispanic, Indigenous, Native, or attend high school in a rural area or small town. This is not a scholarship program. However, students can include this academic honor in their college and scholarship applications.”
PSAT Information
Dear Juniors and Parents,
This year, all Juniors will be required to take the digital PSAT/NMSQT test on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024. This test is both a Preliminary SAT test as well a National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. In addition to being excellent preparation for the SAT, students might qualify for recognitions such as National Merit Commended Student, National Merit Semi-Finalist/Finalist, and several National Merit Recognition Programs (see below for information on these programs). All juniors will be excused from their E and F block classes on test day.
Testing Opportunities for 2024-2025
Digital PSAT and School Day SAT and ACT
The Class of 2026 will take the digital PSAT on Tuesday, October 8. This test is mandatory and juniors will receive detailed information, including information about a practice PSAT, when they return to school in the Fall.
The Class of 2025 will have the opportunity to take an optional School Day SAT on Friday, October 11 and an optional School Day ACT on Tuesday, October 15.
Planning for AP Tests
AP Testing is right around the corner! Students taking AP tests will receive an email directly from Ms. Cornell, our Testing Coordinator, sharing the important information for their particular test. Students should make arrangements to arrive at the designated testing location (likely the Armory, but be sure to read emails thoroughly) on time for all AP tests, and students should check their email frequently for updates.