Booster Club


Booster Club

Every parent of a St. Francis Troubadour is a member of the St. Francis Booster Club. It is the best way to support our teams, earn service hours, meet other parents and have fun doing it. Boosters support events such as Crab Feed and Booster Q’s.

If you are looking for a fun and easy way to meet people, get involved in the school community and earn parent hours, come join the SFHS Booster Club for our monthly meetings:

Come and learn about our Booster Club and get involved in supporting our outstanding athletic department.

2022-23 Leadership

The Booster Club Board is composed of the Principal, the Athletic Director, and member parents of the students of St. Francis High School.  Our thanks to the following parents who have stepped up to serve on the Booster Club Board. Interested in serving on the Booster Club Board? Contact Boosters at

President Deb Buffleben
Vice President Heather Garcia
Secretary Jeff Phillips
Booster Q Grillmaster Gilles Laborde Lagrave
Snack Bar Kelly and Chuck Smith 
Parent Representative Laura Barger
Alumnae Representative Rocky Stevenson
Hall of Fame TBA
Booster Q Event Coordinator & Committee Leader

Lydia Tanner