Dean's Office
Dean’s Office
The Dean of Students is responsible for campus-wide safety, wellness and discipline. The Dean works in collaboration with the faculty, Wellness, Counseling Departments and various safety committees. The Dean also works with students, parents and school administrators to resolve personal, academic and behavioral problems.
To report absences: 916.737.5050
Second Semester Parking Permit Request
St. Francis Catholic High School Student Parking Permits are open to eligible Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors with valid drivers license & insurance.
All new drivers will need to have a valid parking permit to park in the school parking lot. Please complete the form and submit payment.
Second Semester Parking Permit (Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors): $75
- This permit is for standard non reserved student spaces for the Spring 2025 semester.
- If you already bought a permit in the fall, you do not need to purchase again. This is for new permit purchases only.
Early Dismissal Friday, 12-20 and Spring Semester Pass Information
Dear St. Francis Families,
As we head into holiday break, we want to remind you of the following important details regarding early dismissal and spring semester passes:
- Campus is closed at 1:30pm this Friday, December 20th.
- The school campus will close at 1:30pm to accommodate the Faculty and Staff Luncheon.
All students must leave campus by 1:30pm unless they are participating in formal extended testing. Please make arrangements to ensure your student is picked up on time.
Open Dance Traffic & Parking Procedures
- Entrance: Doors open at 7:00 pm with no entry after 7:30pm
- Exit: Freshmen & Sophomores can start leaving at 8:45pm and must leave by 9:00pm
- Entrance: Doors open at 8:00pm with no entry after 8:30pm
- Exit: Juniors & Seniors can start leaving at 9:45pm and must leave by 10:00pm
Invitation from the Dean’s Office
Emergency Services Professionals Wanted for Parent Safety Committee
The safety of everyone while on the campus of St. Francis Catholic High School is of the utmost importance. As with everything we do as a community, we constantly evaluate how we operate and if the best procedures are in place. In order to accomplish this efficiently and expeditiously, each year we employ the help of our families, particularly those with emergency and medical backgrounds.
Traffic Flow for Parent and Student Drivers
All drivers must use the designated entrances/exits and drop off/pick up sites for safety and in order to facilitate a faster, smoother flow of traffic. Traffic backups are generally caused by drivers who are not paying attention or obeying the rules.
Important Information and Reminders from the Dean’s Office
Please take a few minutes to review and/or familiarize yourself with these important reminders from the Dean’s Office: