Academic Counseling


Academic Counseling

Counselors provide support, resources, and guidance necessary to ensure academic success. through the following activities and services:

  • Orientation to St. Francis High School’s course offerings and graduation requirements;
  • Counselors meet with each student individually at least twice a year;
  • On-going monitoring of student’s fulfillment of graduation requirements and college entrance eligibility;
  • Facilitation of parent/teacher/student conferences if needed;
  • Referral to teacher support and peer tutoring;
  • Administration of national tests (PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP); Learn More
  • Training and advising through Naviance Family Connection.
  • For students with learning differences, the counselors partner with our Learning Support Specialist and, who will work with your student to provide academic support; Learn More
Questions? Contact Counseling & Wellness

Paying for College / Financial Aid

By now, most senior families should have completed the FAFSA and/or the CSS Profile, even if they think they will not qualify for financial aid. If a family has not yet applied, check the website of the colleges and universities to determine if there is still time to apply.

This document helps families learn how to read their financial aid award offers Sallie Mae decoding-financial-aid.pdf. It’s helpful to understand the terminology and to realize that financial aid offers do not have to follow a particular format. Some are much easier to understand than others.


Senior Parents: Will You Have Two Students in College Next Year?

Due to the FAFSA changes, colleges will no longer consider the number of students in a family that are attending college at the same time. Families in this situation should contact the financial aid offices for BOTH students (the student currently attending college and the current SFHS senior) and ask them to re-evaluate their financial aid offers (once offers are available). 

If you feel it’s necessary to appeal the financial aid offer, have the student call or submit the scholarship/financial aid appeal, as it’s important for the college to know that the student is invested in the process and wants to attend their college.


Summer College Essay Writing Workshop
June 9 – 13, 8:00am to 10:00am

During the Summer College Essay Writing Workshop, students will commit to drafting, editing, and finalizing their personal statement/Common Application main essay, in addition to selecting at least two supplemental essay topics to finish. With full engagement to the tasks of the week, all students will end the workshop with a plan in place to tackle any remaining writing tasks with support from their peers and from the workshop instructor.


Three March College Planning Workshops for All Grade Levels

All students are welcome to join the SFHS College Advisors and some guest presenters to learn more about the following topics. All presentations/workshops will be held in the Counseling & College Center at lunchtime. Students should bring their lunch with them.


Course Verification

To complete the course registration process for the next academic year, students must bring a signed Course Registration Form, signed by a parent, to the Counseling and College Center during the course verification window March 10-12. Counselors will verify that the parent-signed Course Registration Form matches the courses that were requested in PowerSchool. If a student is not able to get the form turned in, she should reach out to her counselor directly.


Course Registration

The Academic Counselors are meeting with students to discuss their course selections for next year. As a reminder, students will input their course requests into PowerSchool the week of March 3 – 7 and complete a Course Registration form for parents to sign (the form was emailed to all students). 


Support as the Quarter Ends

As the third quarter wraps up on March 14, some students may feel the weight of their responsibilities and become overwhelmed. This busy period is filled with academic deadlines, extracurricular activities, and academic team or athletic commitments, making time management challenging. During this time, parents may also find themselves unsure of how best to support their students. Here are some helpful tips for both students and parents:


Seniors: Read your Email and Check College Portals!

The vast majority of colleges have set up a school-specific portal for applicants to utilize. Seniors must check their college portals often, as well as check email often, as colleges will use these two methods of communication to let students know important information.


College Planning Meetings for Juniors

Ms. Austin and Ms. Lee will be meeting with juniors from February through May for their one-on-one College Planning Meetings. Juniors should check their email for a google calendar invite and respond promptly, especially if the meeting needs to be rescheduled for any reason.


Naviance Tasks

Naviance Tasks were assigned to sophomores and juniors and were due last semester. All students are encouraged to complete the tasks if they haven’t already. The Naviance questionnaires enable students to begin thinking about future careers and learn about themselves. Counselors review the Naviance information when they meet with students for their individual appointments.


Course Registration

The Academic Counselors are meeting with students to discuss their course selections for next year. As a reminder, students will input their course requests into PowerSchool the week of March 3 – 7 and complete a Course Registration form for parents to sign.  March 10 – 14 are Course Verification Days in which students bring in their signed forms to the Counseling & College Center, and a Counselor will verify that the information in PowerSchool matches what is on the form.


Affording College Webinar
January 29, 2025 at 5:00pm

Revolution Prep is hosting a webinar focused on paying for college and financial aid. Register here.

Scott Wallace-Juedes, the Assistant Vice President of Financial Aid at NYU (and former Director of Financial Aid at Yale), will share actionable insights on navigating financial aid for college. Families will learn about the latest FAFSA and CSS profile updates, scholarships, grants, and strategies to make college affordable.


Naviance Data Collection – Seniors Enter Colleges into Naviance

Seniors’ Naviance accounts should be updated with all of the colleges to which they have applied, and seniors should update their admission results in Naviance as they receive responses from colleges and universities. After May 1, we will ask seniors to select their final college or university of choice in Naviance, and that is where the final transcript will be sent.


Mid-Year Transcripts for Seniors

We will be uploading mid-year transcripts (which include grades from the first semester of senior year) to Common Application accounts for colleges to access. Students do not need to make a special request — we will take care of this. If a senior has any non-Common App schools that require a mid-year transcript, they should complete the Senior Transcript Request google form that Mrs. Rivera will email on January 16th.


Individual Meetings with Counselors

This semester, Class Counselors will be meeting with students individually to review their course requests for next year, talk about extracurricular involvement and time management, and discuss Naviance and college information. Meetings will be conducted through the end of March.


Summer Course Offerings

Summer course offerings will be posted on the St. Francis website in early February. Students may also take summer school courses at Jesuit and Christian Brothers but must have approval from their SFHS Counselor.


January and February Advisories

All grade levels (except Seniors) have at least one mandatory advisory session in January and Juniors also have an additional advisory session in February. All advisory sessions are held from 8:00 – 9:00am in the Dining Hall. Dates are listed below. Attendance will be taken.

  • Freshman Advisory – Wednesday, January 15
  • Sophomore Advisory – Tuesday, January 21
  • Junior Advisory – Thursday, January 23
  • Junior Advisory – Wednesday, February 26

Apply for Financial Aid for College

The FAFSA is open! Each student plus at least one parent/contributor must have a Account to file the FAFSA. Students and parent/s should check the financial aid deadlines for each college to which they are applying, and determine which documents must be submitted. Most colleges require the FAFSA, and some require an additional application such as the CSS Profile.