Our Neighbors


Our Neighbors

St. Francis recognizes that being a part of a community means being good stewards of the neighborhood.  St. Francis joined the East Sacramento community when it moved from midtown in 1964.  Since then our school community and the surrounding neighborhoods, businesses and other schools have grown.  Our goal is to continue to be good stewards of the neighborhood.

We invite our neighbors to participate in the St. Francis High School community by attending a sporting event, play or musical, mass, or one of our many other social events.  Please check out the school calendar for dates and details.



Our SFHS Neighborhood

St. Francis Catholic High School has been located at its current site in East Sacramento since 1964.  The campus is bordered by Sac State, Phoebe Hearst Elementary School, St. Mary’s Parish and Elementary School as well as a residential neighborhood.


Press Release: St. Francis Catholic High School Announces Progress of New Aquatic Complex Development
The application for the Project has been submitted to the City of Sacramento for approval.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – September 29, 2022 - St. Francis Catholic High School is excited to share that plans for our new aquatic complex are moving forward.  The application for the Project was submitted to the City of Sacramento last week, Thursday, September 22, 2022.  


Share Your Thoughts With Us

5900 Elvas Ave
Sacramento, CA 95819
(916) 452-3461 phone
(916) 452-1591 fax