Faith & Service Events
Kairos 101
Los Altos Retreat Center
Registration for K101 opens Monday, February 3. Please register through Camp Brain with your existing account.
The 4-day, 3-night retreat is held at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos. The fee is $225, but financial aid and payment plans are available. Contact Stephanie Villanueva if you have questions or need more information.
Freshman Retreat #1
The Freshmen Day Retreats are assigned by Theology teacher and block. Retreats take place in the SFHS Armory and coincide with the school day. Students who play a sport or have other early dismissals should still attend on their scheduled date. Light morning hospitality, snacks, and a pizza lunch are provided. Students with dietary restrictions or preferences are welcome to bring their food. All students should bring a refillable water bottle.
Freshman Retreat #2
The Freshmen Day Retreats are assigned by Theology teacher and block. Retreats take place in the SFHS Armory and coincide with the school day. Students who play a sport or have other early dismissals should still attend on their scheduled date. Light morning hospitality, snacks, and a pizza lunch are provided. Students with dietary restrictions or preferences are welcome to bring their food. All students should bring a refillable water bottle.
Freshman Retreat #3
The Freshmen Day Retreats are assigned by Theology teacher and block. Retreats take place in the SFHS Armory and coincide with the school day. Students who play a sport or have other early dismissals should still attend on their scheduled date. Light morning hospitality, snacks, and a pizza lunch are provided. Students with dietary restrictions or preferences are welcome to bring their food. All students should bring a refillable water bottle.
Baccalaureate Mass
in the SFHS Gym
This Mass gives thanks for the four years of hard work completed by students, faculty, staff, and families of the Class of 2024. The doors open at 4:30pm with a select group of seniors offering preludes starting at 4:45pm. The Symbol Procession (Seniors process into the gym holding symbols associated with their four years of high school and placing them at the base of the altar as a sign of gratitude) begins at 5:30pm with the Baccalaureate Mass immediately following. This Mass is step one of the Graduation Ceremony. As a faith community, we offer thanks to God for our many blessings. Come join in the celebration. Due to the size of the gym, each family is limited to 5 seats (plus the senior). Please use this form if you need special seating for people with mobility concerns.