Annual Fundraising Events


Fundraising Events

Fundraising events engage our school community and secure financial support to strengthen and sustain the school’s operational and long-term financial needs. The Advancement Office hosts three key events that engage our entire community and provide the essential funds needed for scholarship assistance for students in need, enriched academic programs, life-changing faith experiences, top-tier arts, and athletic offerings, provision and upkeep of superior facilities, and other expenses not covered by tuition. We look forward to your participation in these incredible events this year:


42nd Annual Auction Sponsors
+ Indicates PLUS Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor

Ultimate Collision Center | Kelly Zickefoose Frei ‘02 & Justin Frei, (Lauren ‘28 & Lily ‘27)

Gold Sponsor

Mark III Asset Management | Jennifer O’Brien Cooley ‘89 & Sean Cooley

Pacific Coast Building Products, Inc

+  Royal Electric Company | Keri Wien Adams ’99 (Taylor ’24, Addison ‘27) and Dina Vellutini Kimble ’94 (Lia ’24)

Hiep Vu & My Thieu (Hiedi ‘27, Hayley’29)

Elaine & Philip Westphal (Sadie ‘25)


Crab Feed Dinner & Dance Sponsors
+ Indicates PLUS Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor

Ultimate Collision Center | Kelly Zickefoose Frei ‘02 & Justin Frei, (Lauren ‘28 & Lily ‘27)

Gold Sponsor

+ Royal Electric Company | Keri Wien Adams ’99 (Taylor ’24, Addison ‘27) and Dina Vellutini Kimble ’94 (Lia ’24)

Silver Sponsors

+ Kate & Joshua Alves (Zoie ‘28) | Kate Bell Strategies

+ Leila Amiri-Khodai & Sean Khodai (Ava’ 28) and Sukhpreet & Jas Bains (Mia ‘27) and Anna & Ash Vasanthan (Neha ‘28)


Donations for Advancement Department

Our Advancement Department is in need of donations for our upcoming events season. For every $30 you spend, you will be granted one hour in MVP towards your parent service requirement. You can earn more than half of your required hours (15) through donations. Please clearly mark your donation when bringing the item to the school. Items can be dropped off at the front office during regular school hours. Please do not write directly onto bottles or gift cards.


Have Fun Earning Your Parent Service Hours!
Crab Feed Servers are Needed!

This is a fun way to earn some of your parent service hours. Servers are welcome to stay after their shift ends (9:30pm) and enjoy the live band and fun-party atmosphere! Please click here to sign up. 

Date: Saturday, January 25th
Shift: 4:30pm – 9:30pm (5 hours)
Job Description: Provide a joyful dinner experience through exceptional service, courtesy, and smiles. The servers are responsible for serving and clearing each course throughout the evening for our 650+ guests.


The Legacy in Bloom Silent Auction is OPEN!
Bid from Anywhere

Mobile Bidding. St. Francis Catholic High School Sacramento, CA

Click here to view Silent Auction lots! There are great items ranging from dinners and experiences around town to floral arrangements, sporting tickets, home and garden items, jewelry, and spa packages. There is something for everyone and every budget. You can even “watch” items of interest or set a maximum bid!

Mobile bidding is OPEN to all (event attendees and non-attendees). Bidding will close on Saturday, March 8th at 9:00pm.

* Please note that some items, such as wine, spirits, and large items, cannot be shipped.


Parents, the Auction Committee needs your help!
Earn Volunteer Hours

It takes a village to bring our Legacy in Bloom Auction event to life, and we need volunteers for the week leading up to the event and the day of the event. Please take a look at the volunteer opportunities available in MVP. Volunteer opportunities can be found here!

Some shifts are double hours! For any questions about volunteering for the Auction, please email the Auction Committee Volunteer Parent Coordinator, Jen Viley.