Robotics Team
As members of SFHS’ MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education) Robotics, one of a few all-girls teams in the United States, specialize in project engineering, program management, electronics, computer programming, CAD, and web design. As participants in MATE’s Ranger Class, students respond to real-world challenges, work collaboratively as a team, master time management, and strengthen communication skills.
Team Meetings
Team members meet Saturdays from late September thru May at Jesuit High School. The team participates in a regional competition in May.
St. Francis Catholic High School to hold STEM Day event this weekend
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — St. Francis Catholic High School is holding a STEM Day event on Saturday.
The free event is aimed at students in fifth through eighth grades, though all are welcome. It takes place at 5900 Elvas Avenue from 10am to 2pm.
St. Francis senior Kin Tirumala, freshman Cynthia Klein and robotics coach Marcus Grindstaff joined KCRA 3 on Thursday to preview what to expect.
Good Day is Back to Chat with Alumna Siena Marois ‘24
UC Davis freshman, Siena Marois, is one of 12 people selected nationwide to attend the STEMSEAS Student Experience Aboard Ships in collaboration with Columbia and Cal universities.
Alumna Siena Marois ‘24 is one of 12 people selected nationwide to attend the STEMSEAS
Alumna Siena Marois ‘24 and St. Francis High School was featured on Good Day Sacramento this morning. Congratulations to Siena! We can’t wait to hear about her adventures on board STEMSEAS!