Parents’ Guild Board Meetings
We Welcome ALL Parents to join our Meetings


We warmly welcome ALL Troubie parents to our monthly board meetings.

The Parents Guild is organized through a board made up of an executive committee, standing committee, advisory board, and special committee chairs. The executive officers of the Parents Guild are selected by the Nominating Committee, and all other positions are appointed by the president – which means the president needs plenty of volunteers!

Let us know if you are interested in serving or have questions about the duties. If chairpersons are already in place, you are encouraged to work as a co-chair in anticipation of stepping into a position.

We warmly welcome ALL Troubie parents to our monthly board meetings.

Parent Guild Meetings:

When: Second Tuesday of each month
Time: 8:15am
Place: Teachers’ lunchroom

Questions? If you have any questions, or if you’re interested in a position on the board, please contact  Parent Guild President Karen McManus at