Reminder – Thursday, September 5 is Mandatory Advisory During Late Start

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Dear Freshman Parents,

The Counselors and College Advisors hold mandatory “advisories” twice per year (once per semester) to keep students informed about important topics. The first advisory of freshman year focuses on the transition to high school, getting involved, helpful resources, and how to be a successful high school student. The second advisory will have detailed information about  the course request process and choosing courses for the sophomore year.

This year’s advisories for freshmen are on Thursday, September 5 and Wednesday, January 15 from 8:00 – 9:00am in the Dining Hall. Attendance is taken. Please try to avoid scheduling medical or other appointments during this time and thank you in advance for making arrangements to get your daughter to school by 8:00am for our advisories.


SFHS Counselors and College Advisors