Sophomore Family Mass
Save the Date!
On Wednesday, February 26th, at 5:30pm in the SFHS Gym, we will celebrate the Sophomore Family Mass. This simple evening liturgy and reception is the second of the four family Masses, highlighting the Class of 2027’s unity. All students in attendance receive the Pax et Bonum pin. Class rings purchased through Jostens will be available at check-in. Other mass reminders include:
- Collection: You are invited to give during the collection to our sister school, St. Francis Girls’ Senior High School in Jirapa, Ghana.
- Blessing: After Communion, there is a ritual where the Pax et Bonum pins, class rings, and other sentimental jewelry are blessed by the chaplain and then presented to students by their parents.
We look forward to celebrating mass with our Sophomores and their families!