Course Registration


The Academic Counselors are meeting with students to discuss their course selections for next year. As a reminder, students will input their course requests into PowerSchool the week of March 3 – 7 and complete a Course Registration form for parents to sign.  March 10 – 14 are Course Verification Days in which students bring in their signed forms to the Counseling & College Center, and a Counselor will verify that the information in PowerSchool matches what is on the form.

Families are encouraged to discuss course selections and the importance of balance when choosing courses.  While we do not limit the number of  Honors/AP courses that a student can request, it’s still essential for students to take a holistic approach in choosing courses to maintain a healthy balance with their extracurricular activities. Typically, we recommend students take no more than three Honors/AP courses per year. Even if students are eligible for and request to take four or more honors/AP courses, limitations in the Master Schedule and course conflicts may prevent them from getting into all of the courses they request.