Meet a Parent or Grandparent for Lunch Days
April 2nd & 4th

Meet a Parent for Lunch. St. Francis Catholic High School Sacramento, CA

Each semester, St. Francis invites parents and grandparents to spend a lunch period with their Troubadour. This is a fun and unique way for parents and grandparents to enjoy time together and get a glimpse into Troubie life. Parents and Grandparents can bring lunch from off-campus or enjoy a lunch for purchase from the Serra Court Cafe.

The spring semester’s schedule is:

  • Wednesday, April 2, 11:10am – 12:05pm (Last names A – L)
  • Friday, April 4th, at 11:10am – 12:05pm (Last names M – Z)

Parking attendants will be on-site to help direct traffic. Access is only available through the front of the school. There will be no access from M Street. We look forward to seeing you on campus. Reminder – no dogs or pets are allowed on campus (including purse dogs). 

For questions, please contact MaryAnne Kelly or call 916-737-5033.