Frosh/Soph Open Dance
in the Dining Hall
The four participating Catholic High Schools will enforce the following policies at all of the open dances:
- Dances are from 7:30-9:30pm, no entrance after 8:00pm, no dismissal before 9:00pm
- Cost is $10.00 and each student may only buy one wristband.
- No admittance without a current Student Body Card.
- Students may not arrive or depart in rented vehicles, limousines, buses, or RVs.
- Students remaining 45 minutes after the end of the dance may be sent home by taxi at the family’s expense.
- Bags or purses may be inspected at the door, and there will be a coat check.
- Testing for controlled substance use may be administered randomly.
- School or law enforcement may use the services of security dogs and/or breathalyzers randomly to detect drugs, alcohol, or contraband items.
- Student Body Cards will be confiscated for inappropriate behavior or dress. Cards will be held for six weeks or through the next scheduled dance, whichever comes first. Students will not be allowed to attend any dances during these six weeks or the next scheduled dance, whichever comes first. A second violation will result in the student being banned from any dances during that school year. Cards may be held into the next school year if the dance is held at the end of the year.