Spring Fling tickets are on sale now and close on Wednesday, April 2nd at 8:00pm! The theme is Coastal Bloom, so wear your best floral dresses!
Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook for Dress Code Guidelines.
The Freshman-Sophomore Dance that was scheduled for this Friday, February 16th, has been canceled due to low ticket sales. We hope you all enjoy your three-day weekend!
Seniors: Purchase your Senior Shirt HERE before it’s too late. All submissions are due by 8:00am, Tuesday, February 20th.
Juniors – Are you interested in pursuing a career in medicine? We are excited to partner with the Sierra Sacramento Valley Medical Society (SSVMS) to offer the opportunity for 5 Juniors to participate in the Summer 2024 Future of Medicine Program. Applications are open now and are due March 1st. Check out the flyer for more information
This week students were treated to two days of CLUB RUSH during lunch where they could peruse the various club offerings. Student Clubs are a great way for Troubies with shared interests to engage with each other and further explore those interests. On Tuesday students were emailed the Club Membership form which is open now and closes at 8:00am this Monday, September 25th.
Welcome Class of 2027! We are looking forward to seeing you at the Orientation Day and Overnight Retreat! Here are the basics:
What you need to know about this day:
What to wear: You will be “sleeping” on the bus for 2 nights so make sure to wear something comfortable. Once the bus parks at Disneyland the driver and chaperones will step outside to give you an opportunity to change into your park wear.
What to pack:
Feb. 27 – Speaker Series #2 (For BSU and BPG Members)
SFHS encourages its students to reach out – to explore new horizons, to get involved in global concerns and to help shape ideas and technologies of the future. The following courses count towards student’s Elective graduation requirements.