Arts News & Media


Olivia Nice ‘10 Performs in “Once”

St. Francis Performing Arts Department chair Cheryl Watson traveled to Ashland, Oregon and had the pleasure of watching alumna Olivia Nice ‘10 perform in Once at the Oregon Cabaret Theatre. The musical is not only an audience favorite but received glowing reviews throughout the region. Congratulations Olivia we are so proud of you! 

Photo ~ Cheryl Watson & Olivia onstage after the show


Solos & Ensembles Recitals 2017

The Solo and Ensemble Recital on December 11th was a resounding success. Over 20 vocalists and instrumentalists performed beautiful songs for over 80 family members and friends.

We we would also like to acknowledge & thank Mrs. Tina Harris, Vocal Instructor, Mr. Gerald Rheault, our piano accompanist, and 
Todd Weber, Guitarist for their support and accompanying the students at solo and ensemble!