The Jesuit Excellence Tour is Visiting SFHS


This Thursday, September 12, SFHS has the unique opportunity to be a stop on the JET College Tour (Jesuit Excellence Tour). Admissions representatives from 15 Jesuit colleges and universities tour together and make stops at Catholic high schools throughout Northern California for college fairs.

Unfortunately, they were not able to join us at our lunchtime, which is when we usually schedule college representatives. Their scheduled time for the college fair is 1:00 – 2:00, which is B block.

Also unfortunately, very few students have B block free, so SFHS administration will allow juniors and seniors the opportunity to attend the college fair if they ask their teacher for permission and their teacher allows them to leave the classroom for 10-15 minutes (teachers have been notified that this event is happening). Please be understanding if your teacher does not allow you to miss class for this event.

This is a really wonderful opportunity for our Troubies to connect with colleges that many of you will apply to. We hope lots of you will be able to talk to college representatives while they are here on campus. The fair will take place in the walkway in front of the Counseling & College Center. 

Here is a list of the colleges and universities that will be at the college fair:

  • College of the Holy Cross
  • Creighton University
  • Fairfield University
  • Gonzaga University
  • All 4 Loyola Universities (Marymount, Chicago, New Orleans, Maryland)
  • Marquette University
  • Regis University
  • St. Louis University
  • Santa Clara University
  • Seattle University
  • University of San Francisco
  • Xavier University