Felicia Haecker
Engagement & Inclusion Specialist

Faculty/Staff Diversity
 Felicia Haecker

St. Francis Catholic High School is proud to announce and welcome Dr. Felicia Haecker as its new diversity coordinator.  We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Haecker to the St. Francis community. 

Haecker is a perfect example of the caliber of professionals St. Francis seeks to mentor its students, staff and faculty. She is a certified Cornell University Diversity and Inclusion Consultant, holds a Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership from University of Massachusetts Global, a master’s from the University of Oklahoma and a bachelor’s from Excelsior University. Dr. Haecker is also a highly decorated veteran of the United States Air Force.

“Being able to work in an environment that shapes the next generation of women leaders is extremely appealing and exciting for me,” Dr. Haecker said of her new position at St. Francis.  “Jesus didn’t only hang out with good people. He hung out with everybody. Everybody’s journey is different; our values are different from others. I’m teaching intention and impact.” 

“The staff and students of St. Francis have been working hard in the D, E, and I space particularly during these last few years and recognize there is still work to be done,” said St. Francis principal Elias Mendoza. “We are thrilled to have Dr. Haecker on staff at St. Francis to help continue the great work we’re doing in creating an environment of belonging for all students, families and alumnae.”