Three March College Planning Workshops for All Grade Levels
All students are welcome to join the SFHS College Advisors and some guest presenters to learn more about the following topics. All presentations/workshops will be held in the Counseling & College Center at lunchtime. Students should bring their lunch with them.
Students will learn valuable information about applying to Nursing programs in college, types of programs and degrees available, and hear from a guest speaker who has worked as a Nurse, and is currently teaching and directing a local Nursing department.
Fun with Numbers & GPA Calculations – March 11
In this workshop, students will learn how to calculate a GPA, how UC and CSU calculate the A-G GPA, and how other colleges might calculate a GPA. Students must pre-register for this workshop here: Sign up for GPA Workshop, as we will be providing a copy of their transcript as well as sharing a GPA calculator (via google sheets).
Pathways to Business – March 25
Some students choose business because they are unsure what they want for a career and it is a flexible major that can be applied to many areas. Others have a very specific career goal in mind and are applying to a business program to pursue that. Amber Patterson, Regional Director of Admission for Texas Christian University will be joining us on March 25 to share information with students interested in business for either of these reasons. She will discuss various business majors as well as tips for preparing during high school and applying both generally and to TCU’s acclaimed Neeley School of Business specifically.