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Reminder – Thursday, September 5 is Mandatory Advisory During Late Start

Dear Freshman Parents,

The Counselors and College Advisors hold mandatory “advisories” twice per year (once per semester) to keep students informed about important topics. The first advisory of freshman year focuses on the transition to high school, getting involved, helpful resources, and how to be a successful high school student. The second advisory will have detailed information about  the course request process and choosing courses for the sophomore year.


Make Your Annual Fund Gift Today!

At St. Francis Catholic High School, our commitment to excellence is supported by the generosity of our community. As a cornerstone of our financial model, the St. Francis (Annual) Fund relies on the contributions of parents, alumnae, and friends like you. Your support enables us to provide exceptional educational experiences and maintain the values and standards that have defined St. Francis for the last 85 years. 


Becoming Beacons of Hope through the Lens of Awareness

We are off and running this 2024-2025 school year. As the Engagement and Inclusion (E&I) Specialist, I look forward to guiding our community on Becoming Beacons of Hope through the lens of awareness.  What does this mean? This school year we will be exploring cultural celebrations, histories and traditions, as well as additional topics such as neurodiversity, and intersectionality. Why these topics? As the Pope has called us to “be tangible signs of hope for brothers and sisters who are experiencing hardship” we must teach our students the skills to engage and include the many different types of individuals they will encounter as they venture off into the world. They can practice these skills in the safety of our St. Francis community.


Holy Court Tickets Now on Sale!

Our Volleyball Program will be playing in their annual rivalry Holy Court game vs Christian Brothers and here are all the details for the game and a link to purchase tickets:

Event: Volleyball Holy Court Game vs Christian Brothers
Date: Saturday August 31st
Location: Cosumnes River College Gym
Time: Frosh 4pm, JV 5pm, Varsity 6pm
Tickets: Please purchase tickets ASAP through this link. (Max 4 tickets purchased per transaction)

Please note tickets sell out every year for this event so please make sure to act quickly. Once tickets are sold out there are no more to pull from.  You must have a ticket to enter this event.  We hope to see many of you out at this event to cheer on our Troubie Volleyball Program!


Daily Traffic Pick Up Times

It is important to keep the campus locked and secure as long as possible each day. This is for the safety of your students and our staff.  

  • The pick up lanes in front of the school must be cleared out of vehicles by 2:20pm.
  • The front of the school will be blocked-off at 2:30pm.
  • The large cell phone gate lot, by the Armory will open at 2:40.
    • The cell phone was designated for parents to park and wait until their student calls them for pick up.  Doing this will keep the lines flowing smoothly.
Email blast

PSAT Information

Dear Juniors and Parents,

This year, all Juniors will be required to take the digital PSAT/NMSQT test on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024. This test is both a Preliminary SAT test as well a National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. In addition to being excellent preparation for the SAT, students might qualify for recognitions such as National Merit Commended Student, National Merit Semi-Finalist/Finalist, and several National Merit Recognition Programs (see below for information on these programs). All juniors will be excused from their E and F block classes on test day.

Email blast

Open Dance Traffic & Parking Procedures

Open Dance Traffic Procedures


  • Entrance: Doors open at 7:00 pm with no entry after 7:30pm
  • Exit: Freshmen & Sophomores can start leaving at 8:45pm and must leave by 9:00pm


  • Entrance: Doors open at 8:00pm with no entry after 8:30pm
  • Exit: Juniors & Seniors can start leaving at 9:45pm and must leave by 10:00pm


Email blast

Reminder: In-Person Grade-Level Parent Nights on Wednesday
Wednesday, August 21 in the Dining Hall

The Counseling Department will host parent nights for each grade level. Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior parents can meet their daughter’s Counselor at a Comprehensive Counseling presentation where we will preview the upcoming year and provide parents with information on how to best support their daughters. All meetings will be held on Wednesday, August 21 in the Dining Hall according to the schedule below. We hope you will join us!


25th Annual Race for the Arts
Saturday, August 24th

The SF Arts Department is participating in the Race for the Arts 5k run/walk on Saturday, August 24th! This is a free, family-friendly event with food, activities, and entertainment. Registered race participants get a free shirt, food, and can enter a raffle for Disneyland tickets! There are a variety of local arts organizations performing between 8:30-11:30am.


Order School Pictures

School pictures are posted online so you can access your child’s private gallery. 72-hour shipping is now available. You can easily access your pictures by clicking on the direct link that was sent to your email/text. You may also visit our website. This will require an “ONLINE CODE,” which is your daughter’s 7-digit Student ID Number.


Reminders from the Dean’s Office

SFHS is a closed campus; students may not leave campus at any time without checking in and out of the front office. (Exception: leaving during authorized times with their early dismissal pass on their ID card).

M Street drop-off/pick-up: Students may not be dropped off or picked up on M Street. (Exception: if parents are dropping off a sibling at St. Mary, the student may be dropped off at St. Francis).


2025 Summer Trip to Spain, France, and Italy

Modern and Classical Languages Department's Via Aurelia trip. We will visit Barcelona, Spain, Southern France, Florence, and Rome

It’s never too early to start planning your summer 2025 adventure! Consider joining the Modern and Classical Languages Department’s Via Aurelia trip. We will visit Barcelona, Spain, Southern France, Florence, and Rome. Please note that the registration date will be extended.

Information regarding the Preliminary Interest Meeting on August 21 and Information and Registration Meeting on Sept 4 below.


Reminder to Register for Freshman Overnight Retreat
Register Now!

Parents, Register Now! Sign up for the retreat online. If you’ve registered before through CampBrain, use the same family login. You may already have a family account if you have an older daughter at St. Francis or you have signed up for our summer camps or classes in the past. If not, create a new CampBrain account. 

Write a Letter: Share your love and encouragement for your child’s journey ahead. Upload your letter during registration (in CampBrain) or drop it off at the school office no later than Tuesday, Aug 13.


Mark Your Calendars for Counseling Parent Nights

Parents of all grade levels are invited to join our Counselors and College Advisors for parent nights designed especially for you! On Wednesday, August 14th at 6:00 in the CLC we will meet with Senior parents to discuss the upcoming college application process. Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior parents will meet on Wednesday, August 21 in the Dining Hall to discuss the upcoming school year (see schedule below). We hope you will join us!


Reminder about Senior Painted Parking Day

THERE IS NO ALCOHOL allowed at this event. Please remind your parents this is a student based event.

  • Due to requests by the City of Sacramento, the M Street driving gate will be permanently closed to vehicle traffic. The pedestrian gate will remain open. 
  • The parking areas that are directly next to the theater building, the JV softball field, and portables have been re-designated back to staff parking. This does not impact the main student lots, parking by the grass area of the softball fields, or parking by the warehouse area for seniors. 

M Street Driving Gate Closure

M Street and surrounding neighborhood streets are off limits and are not for drop-off or pick-up (except directly next to St. Mary’s for those with siblings there). The M Street driving gates will be locked for driving into or off of campus; all drivers must enter and exit through cell phone lots (see the above noted traffic pattern).


Reminders from the Dean’s Office

We want to provide you with the following information and a quick recap synopsis that will help you and your daughter start the new school year in the best manner possible. It is important to understand that the following information is generally provided based on safety protocols and will be strictly enforced. As always feel free to contact Dean Cost if you have any questions.

Parent & Student Handbook: As a trusted high school student your daughter is responsible for reading, understanding and adhering to the rules.