Course Catalog


Eight semesters of English are required for graduation. The overall goal of the English program is critical thinking and effective communication, both written and verbal, reached through close examination of literature and informational texts. Students analyze literary and informational works, relying on shared inquiry methods for discussions and formal writing assignments. Writing assignments (both analytical and creative), verbal skills (in both discussions and presentations), and vocabulary all stem from the works studied. Grammar is taught in the context of the writing assignments. Classes contain a wide variety of genres, styles, and periods of literature in order to help students develop an appreciation for the subject matter. Students should complete their Summer Reading prior to the first day of school.


9th Grade
  • English 9
10th Grade
  • Great Books
  • Honors Great Books
11th Grade
  • American Literature
  • AP English Language & Composition
12th Grade
  • Writing from Literature
  • Literature and Film
  • Philosophy in Literature
  • AP English Literature & Composition

Visual & Performing Arts

Two semesters of Visual and/or Performing Arts are required for graduation, though additional courses may be taken as electives. The school has a vibrant academic arts program with over twenty courses offered. An integral part of the school curriculum and community, our students develop their interests beginning through advanced classes in music, theater, dance, and visual arts.

Dance Courses

  • SF Apprentice Dance Company
  • SF Dance Company     
  • Introduction to Show Choir
  • Show Choir 

Dramatic Arts Courses

  • Theater Arts I
  • Theater Arts II
  • Honors Theater Arts II 
  • Theater Tech & Design

Musical Arts Courses

  • Concert Choir 
  • Chamber Singers
  • Honors Chamber Singers
  • Concert Orchestra     
  • Concert Band     
  • Chamber Orchestra
  • Honors Chamber Orchestra 
  • Symphonic Band
  • Honors Symphonic Band
  • Vocal Solos 

Visual Arts Courses

  • Introduction to Studio Art
  • Advanced Studio Art
  • Honors Advanced Studio Art
  • AP Art & Design
  • Honors Art History
  • Digital Film and Animation


Six semesters of Mathematics are required for graduation. Mathematics is the study of systems of logic and relationships. All students study Algebra (1 & 2) and Geometry. Upon building this strong logical foundation, students choose to pursue a further understanding of abstract math through a Precalculus and Calculus pathway, or a more applied approach to mathematics through Statistics.


  • Algebra 1
  • Integrated Math 2
  • Geometry
  • Algebra 2
  • Honors Algebra 2
  • Integrated Math 3B
  • Precalculus
  • Honors Precalculus
  • Statistics
  • Calculus 
  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Statistics

Modern & Classical Languages

Studying a second language provides the cognitive and intellectual preparation necessary to succeed in the academic and social environment the St. Francis graduate will encounter. Learning a second language allows her to gain an understanding of languages other than English, as well as of the peoples who communicate in French, Italian, Latin, and Spanish and their cultural products. 

Faculty members teaching in the Modern and Classical Languages Department are native speakers and/or have lived extensively in countries where the language is spoken. Although the graduation requirement for St. Francis is two years, most students complete 3 or 4 years of one language and may take more than one language concurrently.


French Program
  • French 1 
  • French 2
  • French 3
  • Honors French 3 
  • AP French Language and Culture
Italian Program
  • Italian 1
  • Italian 2
  • Italian 3
  • AP Italian Language & Culture
Spanish Program
  • Spanish 1 
  • Spanish 2
  • Spanish 3
  • Honors Spanish 3
  • Spanish 4 
  • AP Spanish Language and Culture
Latin Program
  • Latin 2
  • Latin 3
  • AP Latin
Post Dana Bueno Agata Grzelak Laureen Macugay

Physical Education & Sports

The Physical Education Department strives to enrich the mental, physical and the moral development of all students by promoting spiritual, creative, and healthy lifestyles through high-quality programs. The department identifies the components of successful health-related physical education and implements these into all classes. Through the practice of dance, weight training, kickboxing, recreational skills and yoga, students improve their physical coordination, body alignment, awareness, agility, balance and strength. 

In addition, the breathing, meditation, and instruction on healthy nutritional and lifestyle choices assist students in dealing with the stresses associated with adolescence. Teachers emphasize participation in developmentally appropriate and enjoyable physical activities while providing students with the skills to assess their progress.


  • Health     
  • Yoga
  • Fusion Fitness
  • Dance Grooves
  • Hula: Na Wahine ‘O ‘Olu (The Women of Grace)


  • Basketball
  • Cross-Country
  • Diving
  • Flag Football
  • Golf
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball
  • Water Polo
  • PE Waiver-Non SFHS Team


The SFHS Science Department promotes an understanding of the basic principles of science. After four years, the student will have an understanding of the basic order in nature and have an appreciation of the laws of the universe. Science courses are designed to meet the state standards and UC requirements. 

Courses starting with the freshman year are developed in a sequential fashion to encourage upper-level courses in the future.


  • Integrated  Science 
  • Biology
  • Honors  Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Honors Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Honors Physics
  • Biology II
  • AP Chemistry
  • Anatomy & Physiology 
  • Applied Chemistry & Technology
  • AP  Biology 

Social Studies

The Social Studies Department of St. Francis High School believes that an understanding of the human condition in the past and throughout the world today is the best preparation for concerned, responsible, and active citizenship in a society of rapid change and high technology. Through the examination of other cultures, historical time periods, the changing role of government, and economic development, students understand the importance of past events in relation to future decisions. 

We believe that strong Christian values will help our students evaluate issues on the local, national and international levels. We urge students to foster a critical sense of what is permanent and meaningful, and reject superficial and transient values, through participating in the political process, government forums and volunteer service within their community. We promote sympathy, justice, and peace in all human relations so that our students will act from a basis of love and conviction to make our world a better place to live.


9th Grade
  • Early World History and Geography
10th Grade
  • World History 
  • AP World History 
11th Grade
  • US History
  • AP US History 
12th Grade
  • Civics 
  • Economics
  • AP US Government & Politics
  • AP Microeconomics  
Post Fred Jaravata

Technology Education

Technology is an integral part of the high school experience. At St. Francis High School, our mission is to prepare our students for 21st-century learning by mastering skills of locating, analyzing, and creatively communicating information effectively. Our technology courses focus on preparing students to become independent users of technology, for academic and artistic purposes. 

Technology is all about change; building confidence allows our students to adapt and grow with the hardware and software over time, preparing them for lifelong learning.


  • Computer Programming with C – C-STEM
  • AP Computer Science Principles 
  • AP Computer Science A


The Theology Department is a central and integral part of St. Francis High School. We believe that people encounter God in their everyday activities; it is our goal as religious educators to promote the awareness of God’s presence and encourage the interaction of God’s grace and our free response. The Theology Department prepares the students to go forth as living examples of service, community building, and faith. There is an ecumenical spirit in our Catholic school which serves those of different Christian denominations, Orthodox traditions, and the Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Islamic faiths.

The eight semesters of theology:

  • Present the core beliefs and practices of Roman Catholicism.
  • Foster an appreciation of: Prayer and Worship; Ethical behavior; Christian Service; Reverence for the mystery of life; Respect for people and religions.


9th Grade
  • Introduction to Scripture
  • Christology
10th Grade
  • Paschal Mystery
  • The Church
11th Grade
  • The Moral Life in Christ
  • Catholic Social Teaching 
12th Grade
  • The Moral Life in Christ
  • Feminine Icons: Women Who Shaped the Catholic Church
  • Francis and the Franciscans: Origins and Enduring Legacy
  • Catholic Social Teaching 
Post Jennifer Ferrara Teresa Hilts

AP Capstone Program

AP Capstone is a College Board diploma program based on two year long AP courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. While other AP courses teach specific subject knowledge, AP Seminar and AP Research use an interdisciplinary approach to develop critical thinking, research, collaboration, time management, and presentation skills. 

Students typically take AP Seminar in grade 10 or 11, followed by AP Research. Each course is year-long, and AP Seminar is a prerequisite for AP Research. In both courses, students investigate a variety of topics in multiple disciplines and have the opportunity to choose topics to explore. 

Both courses guide students through completing a research project, writing an academic paper, and making a presentation on their project.

Over the course of the two-year program, students are required to:

  • Analyze topics through multiple lenses to construct meaning, gain understanding. 
  • Plan and conduct a study or investigation. 
  • Propose solutions to real-world problems. 
  • Plan and produce communication in various forms. 
  • Collaborate to solve a problem. 
  • Integrate, synthesize, and make cross-curricular connections.


Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four additional AP Exams of their choosing receive the AP Capstone Diploma. Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research but not on four additional AP Exams receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate.

College Credit

Most colleges in California that grant credit for these courses are either CSUs or Community Colleges. Use the credit policy search tool on the College Board website to find colleges and universities that offer credit and/or placement for a qualifying score in AP Seminar, AP Research, or both:

Find Colleges and Universities That Grant Credit for AP Seminar and AP Research


  • AP Seminar
  • AP Research

Other Course Offerings

SFHS encourages its students to reach out – to explore new horizons, to get involved in global concerns and to help shape ideas and technologies of the future. The following courses count towards student’s Elective graduation requirements.

  • Academic Strategies
  • Applied Academic Strategies
  • Advanced Media Productions
  • The Canticle (Yearbook)
  • Christian Service Leadership 
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Ministry Leadership
  • Student Intern
  • Student Leadership
  • Academic Teams:
    • Academic Decathlon
    • Cybersecurity
    • Certamen
    • Mock Trial
    • Model United Nations Team
    • Robotics Team
    • Science Olympiad 
    • Speech​